Saturday, 19 October 2013

Day Dream ? Its Awesome

If dreaming is a piece of art, day dreaming is a masterpiece. For sometime now, I have been slipping into the this magical domain of day dreaming quite often. Its a land of beauty and awe and I own a little land there. It was while sitting in Statistical Mechanics class that I built a cosy home in it. I set my home in a LOTR locale and this adds a touch of fantasy to it. I am lazing through the narrow cobblestoned paths with a red muffler around my neck.I walk through the woods and beautiful gardens. The mountains are shrouded in mist and a  beautiful number is being played on the background. There is a mild breeze and its pretty cold here. The night sky descends with a lovely boquet of stars and embraces me. I cover my head with the muffler and rub my hands to keep myself warm. I sit on a wooden bench, close my eyes and get absorbed in the loneliness. Slowly, thoughts flash in one by one and reminds me of everything that I love in my life- the people, the crazy fantasies and the little goals. While this progresses, thoughts about the people whom I miss peeps in- the time spent with them, the happy moments that were shared and so on. I realise the value of love and care. I slowly slip out of my LOTR land. I felt refreshed and rejuvenated after my dream. It gave a chance to connect with myself. Will surely visit this land sometime again for this place loves me too.